As the chill sets in here in the northeast, I am SO looking forward to getting out the cozy sweaters and cords, cooking again on something other than a grill, and best of all enjoying the beauty and clear air of fall. The change in seasons makes me feel invigorated. . . almost like the relief of the first spring day after a long cold winter. I'm one of those people who couldn't live anywhere but in a place that changes it's look and feel every few months. Maybe that's why I'm constantly changing the rooms in my home? Something about switching things up inside and out is what makes me tick, keeps me creative and always interested.
A walk in the woods recharges my inner nature girl soul, and a walking tour like this one that Jack and I did last winter at Palisades Interstate Park offers a special opportunity to see things slightly off the beaten path.
Millionaires Row . . . the area of the Hudson in Alpine which once was home to the rich and the famous is a fabulous short trail (about 3 miles) overlooking the Hudson.
For the most part, only the remnants of the foundations of these estates remain, having sadly been razed in the 1930's, but wow, what history and beauty are still there to explore. Not to mention imagining the lives of the people who once were privileged to live there. . . John Ringling, circus entrepenuer, Calvert Vaux, co-designer of Central Park, George Zabriskie, flour baron who sold to Pillsbury, etc.
The group checking things out . . . a lower level of
Cliff Dale, the magnificent estate of George Zabriskie.
Some of the remaining beauty of that gorgeous stone construction . . .
One of my favorite shots. . . the present in stepped-back time. It's so nice to be able to go back sometimes. . .
Every once in awhile we get something special in the shop that brings us back to the past . . .
Like these adorable child's schoolhouse chairs, painted years ago in a great prussian blue. These chairs are heavy, old, and will not topple over. How many little ones have sat themselves down to do their schoolwork over the years? Maybe even you! They won't last long . . .
Thinking of the snow to come . . . these antique snowshoes would be fabulous over a roaring fire winter mantle.
Before I forget
Save the Date: Cheese & Wine at the shop on Friday November 4th. 7pm-9pm. Stop on in and celebrate with us!